Our Protection Bite Sleeve tested by hundreds trainers and decoys around the globe and found to be superior in comfort , functionality and quality !
We used hidden plastic durable tube to make this arm reinforced, NK material is a basis of bite bar which will make it easier to train younger dogs. This hard agitation sleeve is durable, yet lightweight – compare to competition before you purchase.
You have to try this sleeve only once to realize how incredibly comfortable this arm compared to other agitation or bite arms used in the dog training around the globe.
Our unique hard arm is designed to fit on the left arm for right-handed helpers.
We also have same version of the sleeve for left-handed helpers to wear on the right arm. You can select this option during ordering – confused? Just call or email to get instant help
The sleeve cover should be ordered separately – please don't forget to order matching sleeve cover.
Sleeve cover Made of French Linen Sleeve cover Made of jute

New to protection training? While most of the hard sleeves around should NOT be used on dogs that are younger than 12 months old our hard sleeve can be used for younger dogs as well due to adjustable tri level bite bar. Normally a dog has to be at least 12 months for his head and jaw to be big enough to go around the hard sleeve and you have to purchase up to 3 different sleeves. Not with our brilliant x-sleeve – it is like to get 3 sleeves in one!!!